The first assignment for this module, we need to work in teams of four or five. We have to design and construct a roman catapult or ‘trebuchet’ to propel a tennis ball to bring down a ‘wall’. The wall will made up of cardboard boxes. Distance from catapult to the wall would be 10 metres.
The material to built the catapult must be found materials. I was in a group with Hoe Pooi Yee, Kuek Sze Ting, Teh Rouyi and Cheah Aun Ni. We were tutored by Ms Sufina Abu Bakar.

During the brainstorming session, my group mate, Sze Ting came out with an idea to build the catapult using pipes. It was totally different with the traditional catapult which usually built using heavy woods. After considering with the flexibility of pipes and the easier construction process for a team of all girls, we decided to use this material for our catapult.
As soon as we started to build, we had encountered several problems such as the pipes could not stand with the force of the catapult and the shooting distance was only around one to two meters, we changed the elastic material from recycled bicycle tyre rubber to rubber bands, but the outcome was the same as the pipe is too weak to withstand the high impact caused by the pushing catapult hand.
Rouyi suggested us to change the design of catapult to a lower version to increase the stability of the catapult. After several trial and errors, we decided to give up on the initial idea to build a catapult using pipes.
Instead we changed the base and the whole structure of catapult with heavy woods that we get from roadside. The catapult shooting hand we still using pipe due to its flexibility.
Finally, our catapult managed to shoot to a distance of 10 m and above.
We were given three chances to make shooting using tennis ball. Our catapult was named as Golden Axe as we spray the catapult's hand with gold colour and remain the base structure with the wood color. It was interpreted the hand as the golden axe which seems like cutting the wood.
Our catapult only managed to hit the distance of approximately 9 m during the three trials during the presentation day. Although we were dissapointed with the result as our catapult managed to hit the target of 10 m when we practiced.
We had learnt a valuable lesson that we need to practice more often to make sure that our catapult can really functioned well during the presentation day.

I learnt to think creatively and critically especially when we faced problem of catapult material were too weak to withstand the force. We found out the source of problem and make a decision to build a new one with woods.
I also learned how to communicate properly in various settings and modes such as via WhatsApp and more. I learnt to listen to others suggestions and tried to make rationale decision when some of our team members have different opinions regarding the design of catapult.
I learnt to assign appropriate roles to the right team members. The cooperation between us enable us to solve the problems that we encountered along the way more easily.